Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My experience with English

Hello my name is Mauricio and I’m going to write a brief essay, this is the last exercise of the English class, so I’m a little sad man today. And I say this according with the subject of this writing: my experience of learning English at the university, general reflections. Well, I’ll try three matters related to my experience. The first one is that this has been a hard process, where I have suffered a lot. The second one is that doing this I have traveled by a lot of interesting reflections. The third one says: this is other subject finished, like others too, so I’m finishing this year.

A hard process always presents some difficult to the person who is in it. In this case I have passed by the learning of English. This is a part of my learning; I have studied since I was nine years old, and at this time I have nineteen years old, ten more since the beginning. Really, in this experience I have to pay attention, and write a lot, I think that in this opportunity I have passed all my records of writing in English. All of this writing is a big improve in my knowledge.

With all the posts of the works I have a lot of new matters to think, it’s very interesting to know things that make you doubt, and in a general view, may be this help me to pay more attention for all the problems and details of the life.

Like another subjects, I’m ending this one. Well, I hope to make all the subjects and take a big relax for the vacations, where I’m going to forget all the learned, very happy. But in the next year I have to remember all the learned in this year.

In conclusion, learning English have been difficult but it’s a real useful tool, more if we see that in this world almost all the language that is traveling in it is the English language. And more, now if I have to read something in English I’ll do it better than before learning all this, obviously. One thing very important to me is that I need to test my English in another country, or seeing movies, it doesn’t matter, and the main thing is to understand the things that I’m listening o reading. I’ll try with all my attention, continuing the process of learning.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The challenges of anthropology.

Anthropology is a career that’s offer by the social sciences faculty, in the “Universidad de Chile”. Like all career, and may be, more special in anthropology, the students, and the professionals, will find a lot of challenges that are occurring to this discipline. So in this text I’ll try to give a solution to each problem that I’ll say. The hope is the last thing we have to loose, so, don’t give up if you are studying this career, and try to put your imagination in all your work.
In the first side we have the area of the technology. In this discipline we don’t have a instrument enough efficient, all the development is to another careers, so we have to improve the investigation, searching for a good way to get the material of our study. Notably is the useless of the interview when we have to know a lot of opinions of the people, and specially when we wants to know what the people thinks about the life, in particular the things that they omit. We can wait for a special technology able to get in the mind of the study, like an experiment. At least for study to the apes if the people don’t like this new invent. This will be a real solution for the anthropologist, because, in the case that the person interrogated is agree with the study, we will know all the things that he really thinks, and more, the unconscious part of his mind will be knowledge for the discipline.
In the second point, we have the social matters. Like you read more above, the anthropology in constantly “playing” with social matters, so, this is the main point of importance. A critical problem is the poverty and the inequality. So, the anthropology has to learn to study the society. And a possible solution it’s the anthropologist like a voice to say all the problems that are omitted by the states.
The third point is the education. In this area, we can find a lot of problems with the efficiency of the teachers, but in the real way, they don’t have all the responsibility in that. The anthropology will help if it starts pay attention and gives force to the voices of the people.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Being wealthy: pros and cons. And the big con.

In this world, a lot of things are moving by the money, usually you have to pay almost for everything, in fact, if you die you have to pay you piece of earth in this country, nevertheless that is not extended to all the countries but in a big part you have to. But if you think, we can find pros and cons with being wealthy, so I will say a part of them.
In the advantages, for example, you can work in a very particular work, like paint, and you receive money en “regard” to your work, despite the little price, closer to 0 may be, but you don’t have to worry about that, you don’t need money for your works, you can be dedicated all your life for an useless thing for you, for the society, or both too. Other advantage is the power that it gives to you when you can use it well. For instance, helping people, sharing money, you know, like Don Francisco. He is an angel.
In the cons, we have the examples of all the poor people. You are wealthy because another people don’t have the money that you have in your bank, safe and doing nothing more than increasing your numbers. More zeros, and more poor people. This is a really big disadvantage. Another, in my opinion, is that may be, when you have to try harder to live your life, you can enjoy more the little developments that you create. So, if you have a lot of money you miss the fight of “producing” you life.
In conclusion, if you see, the advantages that gives to you to being wealthy, in my point of view, are fewer than being not wealthy, but not going to the another extreme of being poor. So, writing and thinking about this matter, being wealthy have very disgusting and injustice parts.

A little shame

Hi, in this blog I’m going to talk about a little shame of my life.
One of the most embarrassing things of my life, or funny thing, is when I went to the supermarket to buy some alcohol.
In that time I was seventeen years old, and that day some friends were to go to my house. So I said to them “don’t worry about bring things to drink, I’ll care about it, you only have to bring enough money to pay me later”.
I don’t remember what I was doing before going to the supermarket, well, to effect of this text, we don’t care it. The thing is that I was late, and I have to do the shops in the supermarket very quickly.
The supermarket is in “Estacion Central”, and is not very far from my house, that was an advance. I went to it, and searched for the things that I need, and then I was going to the place to pay in the supermarket. But suddenly I started to think like this: “ Oh, I’m going to be late, I won’t make it, my friends are going to be in my house before than me; Oh, I’m going to be stuck here because I’m seventeen years old and is illegal buy alcohol with my age, I’m going to waste the time in here and when I arrive to my house, I’ll do it without the drink”
Looking around with a little desperation I did not find better idea that to ask a person who was behind of me in the queue to buy my alcohol with my money, and better I offer to pay his bread, really, I don’t know what I was thinking, but if you don’t even try, you “lose” after lose in the reality.
So, the person looked at me with a strange looking and showed me a credential that says, “PDI”!
Whit my red face of shame I stood there and bought the drink for my own.
Now, may be, I realize that if you try some thing, think it twice.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the current situation of this faculty.

I’m going to talk about the current situation of my faculty, looking the problems, specially. Because the right things are right and we have nothing to say to make it better. Now, thinking and looking, listening to the people the current situation of my faculty is:
First, the career of anthropology hasn’t received the accreditation (acreditación in Spanish). The people say that this is a transitional problem; the professors say that there are working in that, but really, there is not much improvement.
Second, doing interviews to a lot of ex students of the career of anthropology we can know that the study in this university hasn’t much relation with the work in the out world.
Third, the access to the faculty is in order to be more elitist, and the people with a poor condition of money don’t have the opportunity to learn.
The first steps to deal with this situation are communicating all this information to the people of the university, so they are going to be able to think the real situation.
I would resolve this situation giving more information, more opportunities and free studies to the people who need it. Obviously, looking if they are really interested in the career of this faculty.

One real benefic could be that the faculty will receive more people and will have a interesting resource to explore: the diversity, a real diversity.
To make one recommendation to the future: I think that we can start to cultivate vegetables and raise animals. Thanks to that we will be able to eat good food and if the people of the faculty wants to do a sit-in they will not need more than water of the exterior.

the summary of the new.

The new I have elected is: “Are flashy upgrades really more fun than the classics?”
Passing this text I’m going to say why this new is related whit the anthropology, my career.
First, this new starts whit the writer saying that if the games according to the improve of their special effects, the graphics, It will be better than one whit less improvement in that parts. Then, looking in all senses, the reporter ask if not only the games will be better whit more graphics, besides he ask about the movies. He says no, he don’t thinks that. The quality of one thing depends on the kind of game, in the way how it has to be played.
Now the anthropology can start to be useful, the opinion of the reporter has no support, he have to do interviews and investigations more serious than talk about his experience. So the anthropologist can search about the real things. Because we can think that the game when gets a improve in the graphic, it’s better than the others: according whit the sensations and visual things the feeling of the player can be more real than in other game, and the game will be better.
So, the anthropologist have to do interviews and investigations to make a good asseveration.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

One of my favorite movies.

Well, in this case I’m going to write about one of my favorite movies. This film is called: “Funky Forest: the first contact”. Thinking in this topic I have remembered many movies, but the film that I have named is very interesting.
First of all, I have known it searching in one blog: http://ellamentodeportnoy.blogspot.com/ . In this blog I was reading and suddenly I find the film. I pay attention in it because the strange pictures…

So, looking that kinds of images I started to ask me “How will be this movie?”
Now that I have seen the movie I don’t understand much than before see it. But the particular thing of this film is the humor. This humor is very strange and mysterious. Because this movie is an Asian movie, and in that part of the planet, I think, they have saved a different way of think, or may be, they also have created another way of see.
In this movie are lot spaces of silence, with the people doing things that we can’t say the sense of them, looking to the camera, and suddenly talking, but saying strange things.
This movie is also known as Naisu no mori: The First Contact or Funky Forest. The directors are Katsuhito, Ishii Hajimine, Ishimine Shunichiro Miki. The movie is composed of several story lines, some of which coincide, most of which are comical.
Now, this kind of movie is very interesting if you are bored of the normal films, so if you are sick of the bored things you can try with this kind of movie.