Monday, May 25, 2009

My favorite subject

For now, my favorite subject in this university is Philosophy.
The teacher of this subject is Alberto Mayol.
I like this subject for a lot of reasons:
1. Because of the matter that we have to listen. In every class we pay attention to the teacher and learn things about the philosophers.
2. The big funny things that says Alberto Mayol. He makes me laugh.
3.Have to read a little bit more than the other subjects. And I like to read more and more.

I have learnt a very interesnting stuffs. In a first place, I'm reading about Fereyabend, Lakatos, Popper. They talk about the knowledge, the "real" science. After read that things I started to thik about the real sence, the observation, the problems of the life. Finally, what is the science? I really don't know, I have to learn by reading more, the next class I have a exam.
See you in the next class, bye.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The post to repair

Hi, in this opportunity I'll check and repair three posts that I have done in another classes. Taking parts of it and saying the correction that I think is the best.

The first post is: My future life
-In this text I wrote writting and it would have to say writing.
-Chicmig, the person who has posted me had all the reason, I would have to write travelling, not traveling.
-Instead of go and come to the life again I would say loose the life and recuperated it.

The second post is: Related to me career
- I have written badly the title, now I write it well: Related to my career.
-In one part it says beacuase, I would put it like this: because.
-Instead of fauvorite I would say favorite.

The third post is: The White Dog
-in a part I have wrote abot , and now I repair it, I would say about.
-Repairing I'll say you can know if he will attack , not you can know if the will attack.

Well, I have finished for now, see you in the next post!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My future life.

Hi, I'm Mauricio again, here writting in english, the language that I have to learn.
First, I'll write about my future, the things that I like to me in the next times.
In 5 years from now I think in a Mauricio finishing of study the university, having a good time with all his parents and traveling in another places, out of Santiago, looking for a good breath and a nice time. A nice time will be for me spending time with animals, music and dance. Trying to put all the things I like in my life, trying so hard till my heart stop of working. Better if it start to work again. Go and come to the life again.
Professionally I hope to be very relaxed and in peace with my boss if I have one, because, a thing that I really hate is pass a sad time with problems.
I think that I'll live in a little house, far from Santiago.
In that time I'll be playing all the time with my friends and pets. Not worring about the real life.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The best in my area

This class i'm going to talk about a single person, the very very best person of the fiel of Universidad de Chile. And she is the secretary of my career, her name is Gabriela Salazar. She all the time have to take care about our problems, she resolve its and say words of hope if we are in danger of loose our mind. No other person do all that things and more. She i so important to any student of my career. Because of that she is the best.
Someday I was thinking about have a student licence and I don't know what to do. I started to walk like a mad person. I thought that it was my last chance of get a papper with the words to my mother, because she need it to do a big work with a lot of people. All of a sudden the best secretary, the best person came and said "hello, do yo need a student licence?" and I said to her " oh yes, you are my angel, you are the best"
That's the big story, she is the best.