Monday, April 27, 2009

Related to me career

Hi teacher!
I'm studing my career beacuase a like to read a lot, and in this career we do it every time. I like to read some things of literature, poems, history, biology, philosophy. I spend all the time that a have in my free time to read. It's awful but I like it, very well.
The professionals of my career offer to the people a big big help. They start looking them, then they star to talk with one person in special, and finally they write about them. That is used to try to understand how the people think and act in the normally things of the live. All of this works to look, and make plans about the way of construct ideas in the normal city.
The professional needs a lot of things. I will make a list:
-video camera
-tape recorder
All this thigs must to be used in special cases, not every time.
My fauvorite subjet is biology, I always pay my best attention.


  1. interesting post , i can't belive you like biology. Do you want to follow physical anthropology?
    see you in class

  2. Hi Mauro! I liked your post because I think it's a good summary about why you wanted to study anthropology. It remind me your oral presentation today hahaha.
    I think that It might be good if you don't repeat a word on a same line ("I spend all the time that a have in my free time to read."). Maybe if you change the word "time" for another one it would sound better :).
    I think you should say PEOPLE instead THE PEOPLE and THEIR LIFE instead THE LIFE.
    On the part you say "MUST TO BE USED" , you could say "MUST BE USED". I think that way it's better.
    Well Mauro, that's all. Continue writting on this blog, I know you love it!! hahaha

    see you in class!

  3. Monday, April 27, 2009

    I suggest that when you write your posts you should think that it is directed to anybody not me. Remember a blog is like your personal on-line newspaper that anyone can read.
    So you are what they call a ‘book worm’, in Chile we call them a ‘library mouse’, since both “devour ” books.

    Please compare: THIS / THESE. Ex. This girl / these girls , this time , these days.
    Now pay attention to the corrections:
    Related to me career
    Hi teacher!
    I'm studing my career beCAUse I like to read a lot, and in this career we do it ALL THE time. I like to read some things RELATED TO literature, poems, history, biology AND philosophy. I spend all the time that I have in my free time READING. It's awful but I like it, very MUCH.
    The professionals IN my career offer to the people a big, big help. They start BY looking FOR them, then they talk with one person in special AT THE BEGINNING, and finally they write about ALL OF them. That METHOD is used to try to understand how the people think and act in the normal/TYPICAL things/MOMENTS of theIR liveS. (All of this works to look, and make plans about the way of constructING ideas in the normal city.: THIS IS NOT VERY CLEAR. CAN YOU REWRITE IT, PLEASE?)
    The professional needs a lot of things. I will make a list:
    -A radio
    -A car
    -A video camera
    -A tape recorder
    All THESE thiNgs must (/) be used in special cases, not every time.
    My favoUrite subjet is biology, I always pay my best attention TO IT.
