Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My experience with English

Hello my name is Mauricio and I’m going to write a brief essay, this is the last exercise of the English class, so I’m a little sad man today. And I say this according with the subject of this writing: my experience of learning English at the university, general reflections. Well, I’ll try three matters related to my experience. The first one is that this has been a hard process, where I have suffered a lot. The second one is that doing this I have traveled by a lot of interesting reflections. The third one says: this is other subject finished, like others too, so I’m finishing this year.

A hard process always presents some difficult to the person who is in it. In this case I have passed by the learning of English. This is a part of my learning; I have studied since I was nine years old, and at this time I have nineteen years old, ten more since the beginning. Really, in this experience I have to pay attention, and write a lot, I think that in this opportunity I have passed all my records of writing in English. All of this writing is a big improve in my knowledge.

With all the posts of the works I have a lot of new matters to think, it’s very interesting to know things that make you doubt, and in a general view, may be this help me to pay more attention for all the problems and details of the life.

Like another subjects, I’m ending this one. Well, I hope to make all the subjects and take a big relax for the vacations, where I’m going to forget all the learned, very happy. But in the next year I have to remember all the learned in this year.

In conclusion, learning English have been difficult but it’s a real useful tool, more if we see that in this world almost all the language that is traveling in it is the English language. And more, now if I have to read something in English I’ll do it better than before learning all this, obviously. One thing very important to me is that I need to test my English in another country, or seeing movies, it doesn’t matter, and the main thing is to understand the things that I’m listening o reading. I’ll try with all my attention, continuing the process of learning.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The challenges of anthropology.

Anthropology is a career that’s offer by the social sciences faculty, in the “Universidad de Chile”. Like all career, and may be, more special in anthropology, the students, and the professionals, will find a lot of challenges that are occurring to this discipline. So in this text I’ll try to give a solution to each problem that I’ll say. The hope is the last thing we have to loose, so, don’t give up if you are studying this career, and try to put your imagination in all your work.
In the first side we have the area of the technology. In this discipline we don’t have a instrument enough efficient, all the development is to another careers, so we have to improve the investigation, searching for a good way to get the material of our study. Notably is the useless of the interview when we have to know a lot of opinions of the people, and specially when we wants to know what the people thinks about the life, in particular the things that they omit. We can wait for a special technology able to get in the mind of the study, like an experiment. At least for study to the apes if the people don’t like this new invent. This will be a real solution for the anthropologist, because, in the case that the person interrogated is agree with the study, we will know all the things that he really thinks, and more, the unconscious part of his mind will be knowledge for the discipline.
In the second point, we have the social matters. Like you read more above, the anthropology in constantly “playing” with social matters, so, this is the main point of importance. A critical problem is the poverty and the inequality. So, the anthropology has to learn to study the society. And a possible solution it’s the anthropologist like a voice to say all the problems that are omitted by the states.
The third point is the education. In this area, we can find a lot of problems with the efficiency of the teachers, but in the real way, they don’t have all the responsibility in that. The anthropology will help if it starts pay attention and gives force to the voices of the people.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Being wealthy: pros and cons. And the big con.

In this world, a lot of things are moving by the money, usually you have to pay almost for everything, in fact, if you die you have to pay you piece of earth in this country, nevertheless that is not extended to all the countries but in a big part you have to. But if you think, we can find pros and cons with being wealthy, so I will say a part of them.
In the advantages, for example, you can work in a very particular work, like paint, and you receive money en “regard” to your work, despite the little price, closer to 0 may be, but you don’t have to worry about that, you don’t need money for your works, you can be dedicated all your life for an useless thing for you, for the society, or both too. Other advantage is the power that it gives to you when you can use it well. For instance, helping people, sharing money, you know, like Don Francisco. He is an angel.
In the cons, we have the examples of all the poor people. You are wealthy because another people don’t have the money that you have in your bank, safe and doing nothing more than increasing your numbers. More zeros, and more poor people. This is a really big disadvantage. Another, in my opinion, is that may be, when you have to try harder to live your life, you can enjoy more the little developments that you create. So, if you have a lot of money you miss the fight of “producing” you life.
In conclusion, if you see, the advantages that gives to you to being wealthy, in my point of view, are fewer than being not wealthy, but not going to the another extreme of being poor. So, writing and thinking about this matter, being wealthy have very disgusting and injustice parts.

A little shame

Hi, in this blog I’m going to talk about a little shame of my life.
One of the most embarrassing things of my life, or funny thing, is when I went to the supermarket to buy some alcohol.
In that time I was seventeen years old, and that day some friends were to go to my house. So I said to them “don’t worry about bring things to drink, I’ll care about it, you only have to bring enough money to pay me later”.
I don’t remember what I was doing before going to the supermarket, well, to effect of this text, we don’t care it. The thing is that I was late, and I have to do the shops in the supermarket very quickly.
The supermarket is in “Estacion Central”, and is not very far from my house, that was an advance. I went to it, and searched for the things that I need, and then I was going to the place to pay in the supermarket. But suddenly I started to think like this: “ Oh, I’m going to be late, I won’t make it, my friends are going to be in my house before than me; Oh, I’m going to be stuck here because I’m seventeen years old and is illegal buy alcohol with my age, I’m going to waste the time in here and when I arrive to my house, I’ll do it without the drink”
Looking around with a little desperation I did not find better idea that to ask a person who was behind of me in the queue to buy my alcohol with my money, and better I offer to pay his bread, really, I don’t know what I was thinking, but if you don’t even try, you “lose” after lose in the reality.
So, the person looked at me with a strange looking and showed me a credential that says, “PDI”!
Whit my red face of shame I stood there and bought the drink for my own.
Now, may be, I realize that if you try some thing, think it twice.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the current situation of this faculty.

I’m going to talk about the current situation of my faculty, looking the problems, specially. Because the right things are right and we have nothing to say to make it better. Now, thinking and looking, listening to the people the current situation of my faculty is:
First, the career of anthropology hasn’t received the accreditation (acreditación in Spanish). The people say that this is a transitional problem; the professors say that there are working in that, but really, there is not much improvement.
Second, doing interviews to a lot of ex students of the career of anthropology we can know that the study in this university hasn’t much relation with the work in the out world.
Third, the access to the faculty is in order to be more elitist, and the people with a poor condition of money don’t have the opportunity to learn.
The first steps to deal with this situation are communicating all this information to the people of the university, so they are going to be able to think the real situation.
I would resolve this situation giving more information, more opportunities and free studies to the people who need it. Obviously, looking if they are really interested in the career of this faculty.

One real benefic could be that the faculty will receive more people and will have a interesting resource to explore: the diversity, a real diversity.
To make one recommendation to the future: I think that we can start to cultivate vegetables and raise animals. Thanks to that we will be able to eat good food and if the people of the faculty wants to do a sit-in they will not need more than water of the exterior.

the summary of the new.

The new I have elected is: “Are flashy upgrades really more fun than the classics?”
Passing this text I’m going to say why this new is related whit the anthropology, my career.
First, this new starts whit the writer saying that if the games according to the improve of their special effects, the graphics, It will be better than one whit less improvement in that parts. Then, looking in all senses, the reporter ask if not only the games will be better whit more graphics, besides he ask about the movies. He says no, he don’t thinks that. The quality of one thing depends on the kind of game, in the way how it has to be played.
Now the anthropology can start to be useful, the opinion of the reporter has no support, he have to do interviews and investigations more serious than talk about his experience. So the anthropologist can search about the real things. Because we can think that the game when gets a improve in the graphic, it’s better than the others: according whit the sensations and visual things the feeling of the player can be more real than in other game, and the game will be better.
So, the anthropologist have to do interviews and investigations to make a good asseveration.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

One of my favorite movies.

Well, in this case I’m going to write about one of my favorite movies. This film is called: “Funky Forest: the first contact”. Thinking in this topic I have remembered many movies, but the film that I have named is very interesting.
First of all, I have known it searching in one blog: http://ellamentodeportnoy.blogspot.com/ . In this blog I was reading and suddenly I find the film. I pay attention in it because the strange pictures…

So, looking that kinds of images I started to ask me “How will be this movie?”
Now that I have seen the movie I don’t understand much than before see it. But the particular thing of this film is the humor. This humor is very strange and mysterious. Because this movie is an Asian movie, and in that part of the planet, I think, they have saved a different way of think, or may be, they also have created another way of see.
In this movie are lot spaces of silence, with the people doing things that we can’t say the sense of them, looking to the camera, and suddenly talking, but saying strange things.
This movie is also known as Naisu no mori: The First Contact or Funky Forest. The directors are Katsuhito, Ishii Hajimine, Ishimine Shunichiro Miki. The movie is composed of several story lines, some of which coincide, most of which are comical.
Now, this kind of movie is very interesting if you are bored of the normal films, so if you are sick of the bored things you can try with this kind of movie.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What places to visit and what to do, talking about Santiago.

In order to put a good way to the people who visit Santiago I’m going to say the things that I like, and other things that I think the people like in Santiago. I’ll start by searching the funny and historical places. So, don’t worry, you, visitant, if you dislike the things I like, you can search for a lot of places or activities in this big city.
The places that should visit a tourist, following a list of 5 top places, are: 1 Mapocho Station (in spanish Estación Mapocho), 2 San Cristobal Hill (in spanish Cerro San Cristobal), 3 Paseo Ahumada street, 4 Central Station (in spanish Estación Mapocho), 5 “Plaza de Armas” (in English we have to say a thing like Square of weapons)
Now, for call the interest of the reader it’s better to describe the places and the things that we can do in there. But, before say what the tourist have to do, I think when someone try to learn and look by his own effort all the things that have discovered or done will be more estimated .
1 Mapocho Station This is a historical place, and if you visit it you have to walk around, see the people, smell all the different kind of things. Recommended for who wants to learn about the normal people of Santiago.
2 San Cristobal Hill If the tourist has missed a good look of the city in the air, flying in the plane, this is the opportunity to see, and very secure, a big part of the city from the heights. To do while you look, I recommend: buying a tiny ice cream and lick it till it ends.
3 Paseo Ahumada This a special street. In it the people walk very fast and you can find a lot of particular men. So, try to win in the race of walk fast, and look special men doing weird things.
4 Central Station Look the station, and talk whit the people who are selling things, I think they have a lot of little histories . Then buy a ticket of the train and visit the south of Chile.
5 “Plaza de Armas” This is, maybe, the strangest part of Santiago, because all the different people, the different activities. Stay like an one hour and you will see something to tell for all the people that you know.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Talking about the Transantiago.

First of all we have to say what TRANSANTIAGO IS. This is a public system of transport made by the participation of buses with the sub way. In the year that has appeared in the streets started to be different kind of buses. One bigger than others, the biggest called “troncales” and the smallest called “alimentadores”. They have to serve different functions, serving to the reality that we have main roads and streets whit not the same use that the main roads: so, the “troncales” have to travel in the main roads and in different communes, and the “alimentadores” have to travel in some others streets with less use and in a only commune.

Is very important to know that in this system, comparing whit the previous system, we have to use the Bip! Card. Thus when you use the bus you “pay” whit the card, like a fake money. Because, before, you have to pay with real money in the centres of Bip! Card.

Now, this system has a lot of problems. In particular we have the time wasted waiting for the bus, because when the people arrive to the bus station, they don’t know when it is going to pass, this system doesn’t have a regular horary. But passing the time the new project has improved. Comparing whit the other system, the old system, the new one is more secure, now, maybe more fast, but too expensive for the people that receive the minimum salary.

In my experience I can’t say much. Because if me memory is right, I only have used the old system like a one time. And that opportunity was very funny. In the new system I have to support the heat and be pressed by the people, but the sad thing is: this system is the only way to get the place in the right time when we need it. So, a lot of people has to suffer the bad conditions of this transport. I think that one of the essential problems is the number of people, the number is huge and there are fewer buses for us. The capacity of the buses can’t cover all the needs of the people. Just look in the morning, oh a beautiful morning!, sharing smells and other disgusting things in the nice morning that all of us have to live.

To make it better, I think that we need more buses, more bike’s roads, a spirit of sport, and a little of patience, maybe fewer earnings of the businessmen.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

thinking about think

Well, if I can speak –well, write- about all kind of things I’m going to try to say some things related to thinking. This ability it’s supposed to be a particular and singular ability of the human race. But we can find some exceptions to that thing: there is the chimpanzee smiling in front of our faces, saying that this ability could be reached by anyone. Just we have to wait and see if this particular kind of money can suffer an evolution.

In another way I only can write about everything and I’m thinking. But, what happen when some people say that they do something without think? They only say that for give a bad excuse. In the real way they are always thinking, in a conscious or in an unconscious way.

Perhaps that’s a problem for us. Say that we are always thinking, all controlled by the mind? I have to look for more information about that: the relation of our thinking and our acts.

The act of write is a very special thing. Related, obviously, whit the intelligence. We have to think about how much we control the things that we are writing. Looking for the right thing, the thing that we are thinking. But the lecture of another person is other thing, we can’t try to thin all the ways that can conduce the text to the reader.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The country that I would like to visit

The first country that I want to visit when I’ll travel out of our country, obviously, is Brazil. The only thing I know about this country is that a lot of people talk about it like one of the lungs of our planet, in particular, the Amazonas (a big beautiful jungle, thanks to the trees is the "lung" of the planet). Besides, in that jungle you can find a lot of different monkeys, estranges insects and more surprises. In this place, well, is enormous, almost everything is green, and that color is my favorite, another point to convince me for visiting that part of Brazil. In the opposite in this city (Santiago) I hate the bad air, whit all polluted. Then, going to one of the lungs of the world I want to clean my lungs with fresh air. Finally, thinking about work or study there, I find that this place will not have a lot of works or universities, so I think that I’m going to need a lot of food and instruments to survive. Like a tent, a good knife, rope, boots, a hat, and other things. Like a nice adventure, maybe I will not survive it but it’s a very interesting thing to do comparing to have to work here in this country surrounded of contamination and big buildings with no soul.

Monday, June 15, 2009

My blog and I.

Hi, in this session I’m going to talk about all my other session in order to say the things that I have felt writing them, especially remarking the way to concrete them. That way was only produced by the imagination, that kind of thing reduces the stress and makes your mind blow up.

In the first times when I was sitting in a chair, in the same room that I’m sitting right now, I didn’t know what to do, but thinking in English, using the language translator, talking with the teacher, reading, I can know a little bit more of English and I get used to writing in English. Not in all sense, but I try hard doing it.

Then, passing the time, the classes, sometimes we need to go to our houses quickly, and I was writing very concentrated every letter, every word, expecting to be vacated the soon as possible I can. It was something difficult, but I believe that I made it.

Today, thinking about that, I get sad, because when we hope to pass the time taking advantage of it, I look the other classes and probably I miss the good thing in the classes. Well, now I’m trying to recuperate them. Only in my mind but is the least that I can do.

In the future I am going to look this blog and think in all the things that are passing today, like a window to my pass, a blog for my pass, connecting the ideas, the learned thing will be a way to my pass, using my pass in the future, in my future present.

In a kind of summary: this blog has served me to learn and has entertained me often. In the beginning I was nervous but whit the time and the experience I do this with security.

Monday, June 8, 2009

My ideal Job

Hi in this post I’m going to write about my ideal job, according to my preferences.

My ideal job would be a very different kind of thing. Because in this ideal job I don’t need to work like nine hours in each day, I only have to do some works, a little works. Working like ten hours in a week. My job is clean all kind of windows. In this job I have to be patient, carefully and good for search spots. There isn’t more thing beautiful than look a transparent window. If someone doesn’t see a window, I have cleaned it, take care if I clean you window, you can hit whit it.

I would be good in this job because I don’t need to stay all the time doing it. And if I can do other things I’ll be very relax and concentrated, things that you can’t miss if you are a window cleaner.

This job can find it everybody, in all the houses, buildings, cars, buses, trains, submarines, are a little piece of window. Or in some special cases a very big window. You only have to try hard and search for a bad-cleaned-window, there you can clean!

That’s all, see you!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Conference of Ken Robinson: Rewiev.

Ken Robinson is going to speak about three themes in the conference.

First: There’s a lot of evidence of the human creativity, all the public, all the humans have it. But the range is variable in each person.

Second: The people don’t know what is going to happens in the future. He said that the unpredictability is huge. And the education tries teaching things about the future, it’s a kind of prediction, or the education depends in that prediction of the future.

Third: All the people agreed when they think about the capacities for innovation of the kids.
In a kind of resume, he wants to talk about the education and the creativity in the same status, because –he says- both things are useful for us.

In the normal way of the education, the children are learning about securities, if they don’t commit a mistake, better. So, he said, when the children are not prepared to make something wrong, they try to do all the things like they “have” to do it correctly, and that thing reduce the creativity, and the originals things will die in the frightened child.

The people need, for a good future, a new human ecology. Focus in the human capacity, in the kind of education. Doing that, the children –with a new education- will be prepared to the future and they will do the things right. And the nature will survive.

Monday, May 25, 2009

My favorite subject

For now, my favorite subject in this university is Philosophy.
The teacher of this subject is Alberto Mayol.
I like this subject for a lot of reasons:
1. Because of the matter that we have to listen. In every class we pay attention to the teacher and learn things about the philosophers.
2. The big funny things that says Alberto Mayol. He makes me laugh.
3.Have to read a little bit more than the other subjects. And I like to read more and more.

I have learnt a very interesnting stuffs. In a first place, I'm reading about Fereyabend, Lakatos, Popper. They talk about the knowledge, the "real" science. After read that things I started to thik about the real sence, the observation, the problems of the life. Finally, what is the science? I really don't know, I have to learn by reading more, the next class I have a exam.
See you in the next class, bye.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The post to repair

Hi, in this opportunity I'll check and repair three posts that I have done in another classes. Taking parts of it and saying the correction that I think is the best.

The first post is: My future life
-In this text I wrote writting and it would have to say writing.
-Chicmig, the person who has posted me had all the reason, I would have to write travelling, not traveling.
-Instead of go and come to the life again I would say loose the life and recuperated it.

The second post is: Related to me career
- I have written badly the title, now I write it well: Related to my career.
-In one part it says beacuase, I would put it like this: because.
-Instead of fauvorite I would say favorite.

The third post is: The White Dog
-in a part I have wrote abot , and now I repair it, I would say about.
-Repairing I'll say you can know if he will attack , not you can know if the will attack.

Well, I have finished for now, see you in the next post!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My future life.

Hi, I'm Mauricio again, here writting in english, the language that I have to learn.
First, I'll write about my future, the things that I like to me in the next times.
In 5 years from now I think in a Mauricio finishing of study the university, having a good time with all his parents and traveling in another places, out of Santiago, looking for a good breath and a nice time. A nice time will be for me spending time with animals, music and dance. Trying to put all the things I like in my life, trying so hard till my heart stop of working. Better if it start to work again. Go and come to the life again.
Professionally I hope to be very relaxed and in peace with my boss if I have one, because, a thing that I really hate is pass a sad time with problems.
I think that I'll live in a little house, far from Santiago.
In that time I'll be playing all the time with my friends and pets. Not worring about the real life.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The best in my area

This class i'm going to talk about a single person, the very very best person of the fiel of Universidad de Chile. And she is the secretary of my career, her name is Gabriela Salazar. She all the time have to take care about our problems, she resolve its and say words of hope if we are in danger of loose our mind. No other person do all that things and more. She i so important to any student of my career. Because of that she is the best.
Someday I was thinking about have a student licence and I don't know what to do. I started to walk like a mad person. I thought that it was my last chance of get a papper with the words to my mother, because she need it to do a big work with a lot of people. All of a sudden the best secretary, the best person came and said "hello, do yo need a student licence?" and I said to her " oh yes, you are my angel, you are the best"
That's the big story, she is the best.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Related to me career

Hi teacher!
I'm studing my career beacuase a like to read a lot, and in this career we do it every time. I like to read some things of literature, poems, history, biology, philosophy. I spend all the time that a have in my free time to read. It's awful but I like it, very well.
The professionals of my career offer to the people a big big help. They start looking them, then they star to talk with one person in special, and finally they write about them. That is used to try to understand how the people think and act in the normally things of the live. All of this works to look, and make plans about the way of construct ideas in the normal city.
The professional needs a lot of things. I will make a list:
-video camera
-tape recorder
All this thigs must to be used in special cases, not every time.
My fauvorite subjet is biology, I always pay my best attention.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The White Dog.

Someday looking for pictures to put in my PC I Looked this one and I fell in love at the second. I started to read all about the picture that I have found. I could not stop doing it,all the time I read abot this picture. My grandfather took the photography like twenty years ago. He was a very good person, also a good photographer. He likes to take pictures of everything. He can't miss anything.

In the picture we can find a nice dog. The color of the dog is white. I preffer it more than the black. Because you can know if the will attack you in the night. The colour say "hey, I'm here!"

I like this because when I look it I start to thinking about you can be anything, you are a little thing, and there's a lot of animals that you don't know, and they are in some way more free than you. They don't have to think all about life. They just pass the time living. Worried about the food, without lies and stupid things to think. Our brain only likes to make troubles.

Monday, April 13, 2009


There's a lot of piece of technology that I like, but one of all that I love it. And my favourite object is: THE HEADPHONES.

The headphones are a pair of small loudspeakers with a way of holding them close to your ears.
I Got them like four years ago in my birthday. All of a sudden my mom appeared by the kitchen holding in her hands a pretty HEADPHONES. I started to cry and to say " oh mom, you are the best".
Well I use it by the normal way. It¨s the best way and the most comfortable. Thanks to that I wear my ears very warm and healthy. The normal way is putting the headphones on your head whit care.
I like it because are a easy way to listen to the music every time that I want. And maybe have a funny dance.
With out it a preffer to cut my ears and give it to my dog, because I love the music and I need something to listen it.

The web site that I like.

The link of the page is: http://afu.atspace.org/Biblioteca.htm
I found the site by the help of a teacher, he was my philosophy teacher of the school. His name is Jorge. We just talked about a lot of things, all the time, and I wanted a place with free books and I asked to him if he know something like that. He said " Oh yes I have a very good one in my mind", and then a said " please tell me the link of that site, I'm very interested about reading philosopy and anthropology , but I don't have the enough money, and I'm looking for pirate's work. Because that means a cheap or free thing". After thinking it a time he said " well, here it is" and he wrote it in a big big Paper.
NOw, that's the story of this site. But his history is not ending. Now I usually use it to search about ideas of a lot of authors and masters that help me to learn more about my career.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I decided to learn anthropology like three months before the PSU. That`s all for now.
My name is Mauricio.